(Back: Sandy Dutchak (Hidden), Ralph Hanson, Bo Jensen, Paul Hanson, Jason Drake, Almir Mesic

Front: John Williford, Bud Dumesnil, Terry Owens, Fred McKelvey, Brandon Kallmeyer, Albert Davis, Stan Kitzman)

On Saturday April 29, we had the privilege of presenting some of our Brothers with awards honoring them for their years of service in great fraternity:

John Williford – 25 Years of Service to the Fraternity

Bo Jensen – 40 Years of Service to the Fraternity

Bud Dumesnil – 40 Years of Service to the Fraternity

While each of these Brothers is a great example of what it means to be a Mason, and have all served both the Fraternity, and our community with great zeal for many years, we also had the high honor of presenting an award that is given to ONLY one Brother each year. The Golden Trowel Award is an award sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of Texas as a way for each local lodge to recognize one Brother among them for his devoted service to Masonic principles in general, to his Lodge, and to his community. It is intended for the Brother who, year after year, quietly, but actively demonstrates his devotion to the teachings of Masonry without thought of recognition or special honors. This year, the Brother chosen unanimously by the selection committee to receive the award was Brother Terry Owens.

Terry Owens

Congratulations Brothers, and thank you for your continued service!