2022 BML Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to the 2022 Brookshire Masonic Lodge Scholarship Recipients.

Congratulations to the 2022 Brookshire Masonic Lodge Scholarship Recipients.
To the officers of Brookshire Lodge 1066, I offer you my congratulations for your installation for the 2022 – 23 Masonic year. I recognize the sacrifices and hard work you pour into making this lodge successful. Success starts with regular attendance of charitable brethren. This promotes vigilant planning through which proper project execution can be obtained. It is not always an easy undertaking but none of us can do this alone. – Worshipful Master David O. Boedeker
Brookshire Lodge Officers 2022/2023
Worshipful Master – Bro. David O. Boedeker
Senior Warden – Bro. Samuel N. Saenz
Junior Warden – Bro. Kyle Ryland
Treasurer – Bro. Brandon Kallmeyer
Secretary – Bro. Chad Peschke
Senior Deacon – Bro. Joel Trimm
Junior Deacon – Bro. David Walton
Senior Steward – Bro. Terry Owens
Junior Steward – Bro. Doug Courtney
Master of Ceremony -Bro. Robert Quijano
Marshall – Bro. Ethan Wingate
Chaplain – Bro. Juan Mendoza
Tiler – Bro. Almir Mesic
Due to recent Local, State, and Global health issues, Brookshire Masonic Lodge regretfully must postpone the 2020 Scholarship Fish Fry and Auction.
In an effort to raise scholarship funds for the Seniors of Royal ISD, we are still holding our gun raffle on April 4, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. Raffle tickets are $20 each and can be purchased by cash, check, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo. Please contact Chad Peschke at 713-725-7612 or via email at chadpeschke@gmail.com or any other member of our lodge to purchase. Tickets can be delivered to you personally.
This is a 10 gun raffle with each prize being a gift card to Academy for the value of the firearm that you win. With that gift card you are not limited to just that weapon, you may purchase whatever you would like in lieu of that prize.
Also, if you were planning to attend the event and purchase a plate or bid in the live auction and still want to help, you can make donations directly to our scholarship fund via cash, check, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo.
All donations and proceeds from the raffle go directly to our scholarship fund only. Thank you for your continuing support.
Yesterday, we stopped by Royal Elementary with a load of school supplies to help out the kids. We do a lot to help the graduating seniors every year by providing scholarships with the support of the community through our Annual Fish Fry, but we also try to help out our youngest neighbors who are just starting out in school.
(Lodge members Terry Owens, Brandon Kallmeyer, and Royal ES Principal Kerry Kernwein
with some of the supplies donated by Brookshire Lodge)
Congratulations to our new Lodge Officers for the 2017-2018 Masonic Year!
We look forward to a fun and productive year with all of you!
(Back: Sandy Dutchak (Hidden), Ralph Hanson, Bo Jensen, Paul Hanson, Jason Drake, Almir Mesic
Front: John Williford, Bud Dumesnil, Terry Owens, Fred McKelvey, Brandon Kallmeyer, Albert Davis, Stan Kitzman)
Scholarship & Community Builder Awards Pictures from May, 17th 2016